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Eligibility Information for SUST

Department Eligibility Information

To be eligible to get admitted in a department of SUST under B.Sc (Hons/Engg) program, the student must fulfill ADDITIONAL CRITERIA, as given in the following table:

Unit HSC Group List of Departments Minimum Grade (3.5) in HSC Subject(s) Subject(s) Participation in Admission Test
A1 Science BMB, GEB Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics Biology
CEE, CEP, OCG, PME Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics Mathematics
GEE Not Applicable
CHE Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics Mathematics
CSE, EEE, IPE, MEE, PHY, SWE Mathematics, Physics Mathematics
FES Biology, Mathematics Not Applicable
FET Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics Mathematics
MAT, STA Mathematics Mathematics
& All Subjects in A1
Science ARC Mathematics, Physics Mathematics
Min 40% in Drawing (Architecture) Exam
B Science,
& Business
ANP, SCW, SOC, PAD, PSS Civics / Commercial Geography / Economics / Economics & Commercial Geography / English / Logic / Socialwork / Sociology / Any subject for Science or Business group Not Applicable
BNG Bangla
ECO Commercial Geography / Economics / Economics & Commercial Geography / English / Mathematics / Statistics Science - Mathematics
Others - General Mathematics (Min 40%)
ENG English (must have 5.0; do not require for A-level applicant) Min 40% in English
BUS Economics / Mathematics / Statistics / English / ANY subject for Science or Business group Not Applicable

NB: Authority reserves full right to change any eligibility criteria in any phase of the admission process.

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